Near Rajagaha, there lived a very wise young man named Sariputta. One day, he and his friend Moggallana were enjoying themselves by watching a play. Suddenly, they realised how illusory the sensual pleasures are. They left their hometown and wandered in search of peace, insight, and greater happiness. They went to the sage Sanjaya, who had many followers, but they were dissatisfied with his teachings. They sought the teachings of various masters, but they were not satisfied. Finally, they returned to their village, and decided that whoever found the true path first would tell the other. 

At that time, the Buddha sent his first disciples out into the world, including the Band of Five Elders and Kondanna, who wandered towards Rajagaha. 

Sariputta encountered Kondanna, and realised he was saintly. He offered Kondanna some water and a place to sit. Sariputta asked the monk to share the doctrine of his teacher, and Kondanna gave a four-line summary of the Buddha’s Dhamma. He said that the Buddha teaches that there is a cause for everything, and that everything must cease to exist. 

Thanks to the monk’s good teaching, Sariputta attained sainthood after hearing only the first two lines Kondanna spoke. He thanked the monk for showing him the Buddha’s sublime teachings, the path to a life free from sorrow and suffering. He shared the teachings with his friend Moggallana, who also attained sainthood. 

Sariputta and Moggallana went to Sanjaya, but he would not be converted. They left with Sanjaya’s followers in tow, and went to the Veluvana monastery to visit the Buddha. 

The Buddha ortained both of them to his order, and they soon attained arahantship. The same day, in the evening, the Buddha gathered all his disciples around him, and gave the titles of the first and second disciples to Sariputta and Moggallana, respectively.